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What type of student does The Premo School serve?

Students who thrive at The Premo School are curious, kind, and intrinsically motivated.


How many students and staff are at Premo?
The Premo School is an intentionally small school.

We have 10 educators serving our current 36 students.


Do you have a religious affiliation?

No. We are a secular school. We respect all religious beliefs, but do not espouse any particular religion.


Do you follow Common Core?

No. We consider Common Core to be the minimal standard. Although we do not follow Common Core, our curriculum is designed to meet or exceed it in all areas.


Our curriculum is developmentally appropriate, meaning that each child is introduced to new ideas and skills at a pace suited to that child’s readiness to learn. Since children of the same age will typically reflect different levels of readiness, they may be working at different levels of complexity in our multilevel classes. Children who learn when they are ready are naturally enthusiastic and love learning.


What specials classes do you offer?

All Premo students participate in a twice-weekly arts program and a twice-weekly Spanish program.


Our students also participate in a weekly yoga class.


Do you accept young 5's?

Yes. Our kindergarten program can accommodate both emerging and traditional kindergarten students.


Are your teachers certified?

Our full-time teachers are certified. All of our teachers, part-time and full-time, are specialists in their fields, with an average of over 15 years of experience. Most have completed graduate degrees in their specialty areas.



What are the benefits of multi-level teaching?

Life outside of school is not often sorted by age. Age separation, therefore, does not prepare children for the real world. Multi-level classrooms allow older students opportunities for leadership/mentorship and younger students opportunities to have skills modeled.


Multi-level teaching places an emphasis on the continuum of learning, rather than maintaining grade differences. This approach allows students to excel if they are above grade level in certain areas. It also allows children to receive extra support without feeling anxious or singled-out.


Another great benefit is that multi-level teaching allows Premo Students to stay with their teachers for 3-9 years. Continuity over several years helps diminish anxiety and shortens the time it takes to learn new routines, thereby increasing instructional time.


Research has shown that students in well-run multi-age classrooms strongly outperform students in single-grade classrooms.


Do you require immunizations?

Yes. We require that all students are up-to-date on vaccines prior to matriculation.


What days and hours do you meet?

School is in session Monday - Thursday, 8:00 - 3:00 for our 2nd through 8th graders and 8:00 - 2:30 for our kindergarten and 1st graders.



How much recess do Premo students get?

Weather permitting, our students get a minimum of 1 hour of unstructured outdoor recess daily.


What is your homework policy?

Other than reading and math facts, our elementary school students do not have regular homework.


Our middle school students do have homework, much of which is centered on reading, studying for tests, and preparing projects and presentations. The nature of their homework often allows our middle schoolers to schedule ahead if they prefer to work on Fridays and weekends.

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© Copyright 2023 Premo School

11420 Crabapple Rd,

Roswell, GA 30075

Tel: 404.655.7779

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